Kermit, You Are Wrong

You know Kermit the frog was known to say, “It’s not easy being green”. Well, at MangiaTV we say, “Kermit, you are wrong”. We are talking about being more environmentally conscious of course.
We have, as a country, done a fairly good job in our recycling efforts over the last 30 years. In fact the curb side container of recycling here in Bend is about three times the size as the trash can. What we are still really bad at is food waste and recycling. In this country 33 million tons of food waste ends up in our landfills. We need to get better at this and like most things if we change our habits we will change the outcome. Here are some habits to get into to help in this regard.

In 2016 we plan on being more GREEN and the Food Cycler is one appliance that makes that revolution much easier to attain. You can find more info on food waste at
And Kermit… lighten up.
food cycler how to